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Commemorating 50 Years of the Arrest of the Rivonia Trialists

On 11 July 1963, the apartheid police raided Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia, arresting the leadership of Umkhonto we Sizwe.  Among those arrested were Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki, Raymond Mhlaba, Ahmed Kathrada, Lionel Bernstein and Bob Hepple.  More arrests followed shortly after this incident, including Arthur Goldreich, Andrew Mlangeni, James Kantor, Dennis Goldberg, Harold Wolpe and Elias Motsoaledi.

We salute these men for their bravery and for leading the struggle against apartheid as we  commemorate this watershed event.

We attach an image from the film, Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom which shows Ahmed Kathrada (played by Riaad Moosa) and Walter Sisulu (played by Tony Kgoroge) being arrested at Liliesleaf.

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