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Message of Condolence from Anant Singh on the death of Prof Jakes Gerwel

It is with profound grief that I learnt of the death of Professor Jakes Gerwel.

Prof Gerwel played many significant roles in our society, from a social and political activist, academic to administrator and businessman. His contribution to the Mandela Administration as Director General in President Mandela’s office was significant as were his contributions as a board member and chairman of many business houses, including many of our state assets as well as the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory.

I was fortunate to have shared both a personal and business relationship with him and it is one that I will always value and cherish.

Prof Gerwel was a true son of South Africa who was a servant of the people. He leaves a deep void which will be very difficult to fill.

My heartfelt condolences go to his wife Phoebe and his children Jessie and Heinrich and the entire Gerwel family. I wish them strength and courage during this difficult time of bereavement.

Anant Singh
28 November 2012

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