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Birthday message to Nelson Mandela from Anant Singh

Our Dearest Madiba

We are delighted to be celebrating your 92nd birthday with you, especially in a time where a euphoric spirit engulfs the entire nation.

We appreciate and salute the sacrifices you made for the freedom of our nation and your undying commitment to the liberation of the people of our country, especially to the less fortunate.

We are also thrilled to be a part of your amazing initiative, Nelson Mandela Day which for us is a reminder of your selflessness and commitment to uplifting less fortunate people. On this day, we follow your example by trying, in our small way, to alleviate human suffering and deprivation. It gives us an opportunity to make a difference to the lives of our fellow human beings who are in need.

We are also happy to be partnering with the Nelson Mandela Foundation on Nelson Mandela Day in Durban where, together with Verne Harris, South Africa’s favourite actor, Leon Schuster and Vanashree whose birthday is also on Sunday, we will be visiting Streetwise, a shelter dedicated to street children and spending the symbolic 67 minutes with the children.

Your life is truly an inspiration to us all.

We wish you long life, good health and happiness always.

We also send our love and congratulate you and Ma Graca on your Wedding Anniversary.

We love you.

Happy Birthday Madiba !!!

Viva Madiba !

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