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Singh’s Takes Human Rights Perspective to World Economic Forum

Film producer Anant Singh will take the cause of Human Rights to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland next week, with the production of a video presentation which will open the Forum’s session entitled, Human Rights on The Global Agenda. The Forum has also selected three films with Human Rights themes produced by Singh and Videovision Entertainment to be screened to delegates, viz. the Oscar Nominated Yesterday; Sarafina!, starring Leleti Khumalo and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission suspense drama, Red Dust with Hilary Swank.

In 2001, Singh received the World Economic Forum’s Crystal Award and past recipients of the Crystal Award include Paulo Coelho, Quincy Jones, Lord Puttnam, Elie Wiesel, Ravi Shankar, Benjamin Zander, Nadine Gordimer and Es’kia Mphahlele. Singh also serves on the Board of Governors for Media and Entertainment of the Forum.

The video presentation is designed to set the tone for the discussions that will take place in the session, Human Rights on the Global Agenda which takes place on 24 January 2008. The material featured in the video presentation includes powerful visuals of human rights issues from around the world and draws inspiration from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the United Nations on 10 December 1948. The panellists at the session include Cherie Booth (Founder Member, Matrix Chambers), Kathy Bushkin Calvin (Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, United Nations Foundation) Kenneth Roth (Executive Director, Human Rights Watch) and Viktor A. Yushchenko (President of Ukraine) and Singh.

“We are delighted to continue our relationship with the World Economic Forum and its founder Klaus Schwab by producing this video presentation for the Human Rights on the Global Agenda session. We believe that we can all make a difference to the alleviation of Human Rights violations if we work together. The presentation is intended to be ‘food for thought’ and sensitize the viewer to Human Rights issues, while also marking the 60th Anniversary of the adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are also pleased that the Forum has selected our films, Yesterday; Sarafina! and Red Dust to be screened as part of its Human Rights programme.”

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